ERP Specialist

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Content Summary

Module Read
Order Management
Production Planning
In-House Production
Yarn Process
Development Sample
Style Management
Inventory Management
Vendor Portal
Store Management
Menu Configurations
Login Management
Field Configuration
HR Module

Order Management

Purchase Order Draft

In this module, while making the purchase order, if any changes is required you can draft that PO and can change anything later…(Read more)

Purchase Order

In this you can make PO and that will be saved, no further changes can be done…(Read more)

Goods Reciept Note(GRN)

In GRN you can receive the PO and make the inventory in…(Read more)

GRN Approve

You can  approve the GRN from this link…(Read more)

GRN Allocation

This option is used when we want to do GRN excess quantity as mentioned in the PO…(Read more)

GRN Allocation Approve

The user will approve the GRN allocation through this link…(Read more)

GRN Return(Debit Note)

You can make the Return for the GRN you received like a Debit note…(Read more)

Bill Generation

You can generate the bill or invoice from this link…(Read more)

Buyer PO

From this module you can make the Buyer PO…(Read more)

Buyer PR

From this module you can make the Buyer PR…(Read more)

Buyer PR Upload

In this you can upload the Buyer PR entries…(Read more)

Job Work

If you are sending any goods for outside work so you can generate Job Work from this link…(Read more)

GRN Job Work

When job work will get done you can receive that Job Work GRN with this module…(Read more)


You can make the return entry from this link…(Read more)

Return View

To view list of all returns entered in system…(Read more)

Bill Generation Archive

In Bill generation archive all the archived bills will come…(Read more)

GRN for Receive

This module would be helpful when style production will be done partially at one location and partially at another location…(Read more)

Box Packing

In this we can get the no. of box we can make from the available quantity with the barcode.

Master CTN Box

From this we can create a master box packing name and can get the barcode number for it even can get it by scanning.

Bill Generation(Bar Code)

In this Bar code will be generated for Bill generation.

Bill Generation(Style Bar Code)

In this Bar code will be generated for the Style.

GRN-Job Work Trims

You can do the GRN for the trims which you want to receive.

Bill Generation Return(Style Bar Code)

In this the Bar code will generate for the Returns which you wanted to make.

Batch Creation

We can create batch for fabric production for better quality of generating the fabric/textile flow.

Production Planning

Batch Master

You can create batch, by selecting the machines in it and the no. of machines present at that location by using Batch Master.

Machine Master

It can be used for mapping the machines to the employees and production process.

Skill Master

This is used for creating the skills of Employees.

Employees Master

This option is used for creating the new employee.

Employee Skill Master

The employee skill master is used for mapping the skill with the employees.

Production Mapping(Style)

Used to map styles for their production.

Production Mapping(Buyer PO)

Used to map Buyer PO styles for their production. After creating, we can download it in excel file format.

SO Time & Action

Once we map the production, the styles will be shown here, based on the live data entered in the modules the actual dates will be shown here.

Production Calendar View

Based on the styles assigned, in the calendar view it will show the styles according to the dates given and assigned.

Yarn Time and Action

Based on the fabric program in Yarn processes, the data will be fetched from there and will be dynamically alligned over here in this module.

Style Sample Time and Action Report

Use this link to download the style sample and its T&A.

Time and Action (Buyer PO)

For Time & Action activities, buyer PO wise if we want to view, based on the dates prescribed it will show the T&A.

In-House Production

Cutting Acknowledgement

In this you will acknowledge cutting which we will be done at the time of cutting any fabrics.


CTR reflects to cutting down the fabric as well as the damaged fabric…(Read more)

CTR Bundling

In CTR bundling, in this it reflect how much bundle is cutting down in one go.

Stitching Acknowledgement

In this acknowledgement for the stitching will be done at the time of stitching any fabrics.


In this we will make entry of stitching fabric inside the factory…(Read more)

CTR Stitching-in

In this we will make stitching fabric inside the factory.


In this we will send the fabric outside for stitching…(Read more)

Prod Kajabutton Out

We will send the goods out for kajabutton…(Read more)

Prod Kajabutton In

We will recieve the goods for kajabutton…(Read more)

Prod Washing Out

We will send the goods out for washing…(Read more)

Parts Control-In

Used to receive parts of garments from production line, like receiving of collar, cuff, sleeves, bodice parts of a shirt.

Parts Control-Out

Used to send parts to different line in production.

Prod Washing In

We will receive the goods in from the washing…(Read more)


We will receive goods in from finishing work…(Read more)


We will send goods out for finishing work…(Read more)


This module shall be used by the customers who follow parts functionality. Assembly in is where parts get merged into one.

OCR Report

In this we can enter all the quantity got in the production process till finishing even balance quantity…(Read more)

Prod Embroidery-Out

We will send the good out for embroidery…(Read more)

Prod Embroidery-In

We will receive the goods from embroidery…(Read more)

Checking In

In this we will take goods in for the checking in process…(Read more)

Checking Out

In this we will send goods for the checking out process…(Read more)

Fusing In

In this we are taking goods in for the fusing in process…(Read more)

Fusing Out

In this we are sending the goods for the fusion out process…(Read more)

Stitching Out

In this we are sending the goods for stitching out process…(Read more)

Finishing In

In this we are taking goods in for finishing in process…(Read more)

Buyer PO OCR Report

Its the OCR report based on buyer PO and as per the invoice so that we can analyize the difference.


In this we can enter the wages which we spend on a garment on all separate fields and gives the total expenses.

FG Production Out

Using this we can send the RM/fabric to other location with the details of total consumption.

FG Production In

Using this we can receive the RM/fabric.

Production Embroidery

We send the pieces in production to bulk embrodery process by using this module.

Production Washing

We use this module in order to send the production garment pieces for washing process.

Production Process

This module is for customers who want single link for all production steps.

Finishing Out

In this we are sending the goods out for finishing process.

Damaged Qty Process

In this damaged qty will come and you can use that further as well.

Finishing Acknowledgement

By using handshake logic, we use this module to give acknowledgement that they have received for finishing process.

New Process In

In this you are taking in the goods from the processes.

New Process Out

In this you are creating the challan for doing the out process.


In this OCR report we can even get the fabric details of the styles.


If we missed any bundling quantity in a CTR bundling we can use this to rebundle it.

Fabric Process In

For processing of fabric in any kind we access this module.

Thread Cutting

This option is used in the production process for cutting the thread.


Purchase Order

Here we will create the purchase order for the goods we want to buy.

Cutting Out (O)

In this we will give the goods for cutting process to the outside vendor…(Read more)

Cutting In (O)

In this we will receive the goods which is done by the outside vendor…(Read more)

Stitching Out (O)

In this we are sending the goods for stitching process to the outside vendor…(Read more)

Stitching In (O)

In this we are receiving the goods from the outside vendor when the process is done…(Read more)

Fabric Cutting Out

In this we are sending goods for cutting process to the outside vendor.

Kaja Button Out (O)

In this we are sending goods for kaja button to the outside vendor…(Read more)

Fabric Cutting In

In this we are receiving the goods from the outside vendor when the process is done.

Kaja Button In (O)

In this we are receiving the goods from outside vendor when Kaja button process is done…(Read more)

Printing Acknowledgement

We give confirmation of receiving goods for printing process by handshake logic.

Printing Out (O)

Sending goods to outside vendor for printing process…(Read more)

Printing In (O)

Receiving goods from outside for which process is done…(Read more)

Embroidery Out (O)

Sending goods to outside vendor for embroidery process…(Read more)

Embroidery In (O)

Receiving goods from outside for which process is done…(Read more)

Embroidery Acknowledgement

We give confirmation of receiving goods for embroidery process by handshake logic.

Washing Out (O)

For sending goods to outside vendor for doing the washing process…(Read more)

Washing In (O)

For receiving the goods from outside when the process is done…(Read more)

Perking Out (O)

For sending goods to outside for Perking process.

Perking In (O)

For receiving the goods from outside when the perking process is done.

Finishing Out (O)

For sending goods outside for finishing process…(Read more)

Transfer Out

For doing the transfer of goods from one place to another…(Read more)

Finishing In (O)

For receiving goods from outside when the process is done…(Read more)

Transfer In

For receiving the goods in the process when transfer out takes place…(Read more)

Style Transfer Out

In this transfer process for style is done…(Read more)

Style Transfer In

In this we are receiving the transfer in for style only…(Read more)

Delivery Challan Out

In this we are making delivery challan for the out process…(Read more)

Delivery Challan In

In this we are receiving the challan with challan in process…(Read more)

Outprocess Reports

All production processes outside the factory, can be viewed here…(Read more)

Out-process RM/Fabric-Out

If we want to process/give the RM/Fabric a special texture/finish additionally we use this link to send it to vendor and get it done…(Read more)

Outprocess RM/Fabric-In

While receiving the special finished/textured Fabric/RM, this module is used to receive the stock…(Read more)

Stock Transfer

In this stock transfer for any RM , fabric and style is done…(Read more)

Stock Transfer Approve

In this approval is given for stock transfer…(Read more)

New Out Process

This is used for sending fabric out for production process…(Read more)

New In Process

This is used for taking fabric in which was sent for production process…(Read more)


Washing Acknowledgement

This is for acknowledging received goods for washing. This is usable when washing process flag is enabled.

Process Check

When selected process check in washing process modules, the style will appear over here…(Read more)


We can create a new Marking by using this link…(Read more)

Whisker & Chervan

We can create a new Whisker & Chervan by using this link…(Read more)


We can create a new Scraping by using this link…(Read more)

Resin Spray

We can create a new Resin Spray by using this link…(Read more)

3D Crushing

We can create a new 3D Crushing by using this link…(Read more)

Laser DP

We can create a new Laser DP by using this link.

1st Dry

We can create a new 1st Dry by using this link.

2nd Dry

We can create a new 2nd Dry by using this link.


We can create a new Grinding by using this link…(Read more)

Damaging & Nicking

We can create a new Damaging & Nicking by using this link…(Read more)

Gum Patch

We can create a new Gum patch by using this link…(Read more)

PP Spray

We can create a new PP Spray by using this link…(Read more)

1st Wash

We can create a new 1st Wash by using this link…(Read more)

2nd Wash

We can create a new 2nd Wash by using this link…(Read more)


We can create a new Curing by using this link…(Read more)


We can create a new Tacking by using this link…(Read more)

Color Spray

We can create a new Color Spray by using this link…(Read more)

3D Whisker

We can create a new 3D Whisker by using this link…(Read more)

Pigment Spray

We can create a new Pigment Spray by using this link…(Read more)


We can create a new Ozone by using this link…(Read more)

1st Shade Grouping

We can create a new 1st Shade Grouping by using this link…(Read more)

2nd Shade Grouping

We can create a new 2nd Shade Grouping by using this link…(Read more)

Side Seam Impression

We can create a new Side Seam Impression by using this link…(Read more)


We can create a new Tieing by using this link…(Read more)

Color Stain

We can create a new Color Stain by using this link…(Read more)


We can create a new Dabbing by using this link…(Read more)

Final 3D

We can create a new Final 3D by using this link.

Pocket/Mobile Impression

We can create a new Pocket/Mobile Impression by using this link…(Read more)

PP Spot

We can create a new PP Spot by using this link.

Color Spot

We can create a new Color Spot by using this link.

PP Wiping

We can create a new PP Wiping by using this link.

Pigment Dyeing

We can create a new Pigment Dyeing by using this link.


We can create a new Dyeing by using this link.

Raw PP Spray

We can create a new Raw PP Spray by using this link.

QC Check

We can create a new QC Check using this link…(Read more)

Final Wash Description

Based on the washing reports, we could conclude a final wash description over here…(Read more)

Rework/Rewash Process

We can create a new Rework/Rewash process by using this link…(Read more)

QC Check(Rework/Rewash)

Once the process has arrived from Rework/Rewash process, QC would be able to approve it if it is OK…(Read more)

Final Wash Description(Rework/Rewash)

We can create a new Final Wash Description(Rework/Rewash) Process by using this link…(Read more)

Yarn Process

Purchase Order (Draft)

This is used for saving the PO on temporary basis…(Read more)

Purchase Order

This is used for ordering the yarn for the yarn process…(Read more)

Goods Reciept Note(GRN)

This is used for taking the PO quantity into the stock…(Read more)

Yarn Process Report

This is used for checking the details of the yarn.

Yarn Vendor Wise Credit/Debit Report

This is used to check the details of the returns/credit of amount with the yarn vendor…(Read more)

Yarn wise Inventory

This is used to maintain inventory on the basis of different type of yarn…(Read more)

GRN Return

This option is used for returning the PO quantity.

GRN Allowance

This is used to inward more quantity as mentioned in PO.

P&L Report

To have a glance on the P&L part for yarn to fabric, till dispatch.

Lot History

This is used to inward multiple fabric on same lot, to have a detailed analysis of the fabrics in the lots.

Fabric Programming

In fabric programming programming can be created as per the finished goods.

Yarn Create Out

This option is used for sending yarn for yarn process.

Yarn Create In

This option is used for inwarding goods which was send at the time of yarn create out.

Dyeing Process

This option is used for Dyeing the fabric or yarn.

Yarn Approve

The authority to approve yarn process is configured and given in this link.

Fabric Plan with Shrinkage

Based on Buyer Name, Style Name, Order No., Fabric, Colour, Shrinkage & Fab Avg. plan can be prescribed and created here.

Fabric Report

In this complete report of the fabric details based on the styles is available.

Daily Production Report(Machine Wise)

In this machine and concerned person can be assigned according to there shift timing, and report can be downloaded.

Development Sample

Development Sample

For creating a development sample by entering style details, size, color, fabric, product type, image upload, this module is used to create a sample.

Lab Dips

Once the style is listed here, it can be edited by updating the status as sent, approval, rejection and images can be uploaded as well.

Strike Off

This module is for creating strike off sample, it can be created by selecting the design type, and update the status by selecting either sent, approval or rejection and entering comments.

Blue Seal

Once the style is created and listed up over here according to the work flow configured, image of the garment can be uploaded, garment type and status can be selected too.


To create GPT samples from sampling purpose before production this module is used.


To create Pre production sample before bulk  this module is used.

Style Management


This option is used for making a new style and alloaction of BOM…(Read more)

PP Comments

This is used for creating records of PP comments…(Read more)

Sizeset Sample

This is used for displaying size set sample of the style…(Read more)

Work Order(Style)

This is used to create work order according to the style…(Read more)

Work Order(Buyer PO)

This is used for making the work order according to the Buyer PO…(Read more)

Style Costing

This is used to track the planned and actual costing…(Read more)

Style Actual Costing

This is used to display the actual cost for garment…(Read more)

Style Costing Approve

This is for viewing and approving the cost for a garment.

Archive Styles

This is used to see the archived style which got archived from the style page and can be edited in status…(Read more)

General Upload

This is used to get the template for bulk uploads instead of applying through direct modules.

Query Style

This is used by customers who wants to track queries/quotations/ discussions with their buyers before converting into order.


This shows the list of orders from any 3rd party integration like woo commerce, shopify, etc.

Work Order (MTM)

This link is to create MTM Work orders.


This link is to create a unique product, apart from creating a style.

Printing Approve

This link is to issue dyes and chemicals to use for printing.

Style Pre Costing

This link is used for costing of a style before production process to analyze how much budget will it take to take the order.

BOM Approve

This link is to give approval for BOM to another user and give them access to approve it and move it to next subsequent process.

Print Costing

This link is used to enter the cost incurred for printing.

Work Order (C&C)

This link is to create Work Order (C&C).

Print Costing Approval

This link is to update, check & approve printing cost.

Style TNA

This link is to view the status of style.

Lab Dips

This link is to create Lab Dip Sample.

Strike Off

This link is to create Strike off sample.

Blue Seal

This link is to create Blue Seal Sample.


This link is to create GPT Samples for sampling before production.


This link is to create pre production sample before bulk.


This link is used to create a sample.


Agent Master

This is used to create agent names…(Read more)

Aisle Master

This is used to create aisle(rack) numbers…(Read more)

Brand/Project Master

This is used to create brand or project…(Read more)

BOM Approve Master

This is used to assign authority based on flag, to approve BOM first and then proceed for PO…(Read more)

Bin Master

This is used to create the bin(row) numbers…(Read more)

Color Master

This is used to create multiple color…(Read more)

Company Master

This is used to create the company…(Read more)


This is used to Configure the links.

Country Master

This is used to create country for the locations…(Read more)

Conversion Master

This is used to enter the conversion rate of foreign currency.

Daily Production Recording

This is used to montior and keep a tap on daily production entry.

Embroidery Master

This is used to create new Embroidery type…(Read more)


This is used to create multiple fabric…(Read more)

Fabric Type

This is used to create the types of fabrics…(Read more)

Flag Set-Up Master

This is used to enable or disable the flags with accordance and process.

Garment Division

This is used to create garment types…(Read more)

Garment Type

This is used to create garment category…(Read more)

Knitted Fabric Type

This is used to create knitted fabric names…(Read more)

Kajabutton Master

This is used to create kaja button types…(Read more)

Lot Master

This is used to create a new lot by giving name.

Location Master

This is used to create multiple locations…(Read more)

List Page Configuration Master

This is used to create a new lot by giving name.

Operation Master

This is used to create new operation name.

Operation Type Master

This is used to create new operation type.

Outprocess Type Master

This is used to create new out process type…(Read more)

Parts Type Master

This is used to create new parts of a garment…(Read more)

Printing Master

This is used to create new printing type…(Read more)

Process Work Flow

This is used to create work flow for separate style for which process will be followed…(Read more)

Price Level Master

This is used to create price level which will appear in masters…(Read more)

Parts Mapping Master

This is used to map all parts to a garment after creating parts type…(Read more)

Quality Master

This is used to create and segregate the quality levels…(Read more)

Raw Material Master

This is used to create raw material…(Read more)

Raw Material Type Master

This is used to create type of raw material…(Read more)

Season Group Master

This is used to create season as required…(Read more)

Size Master

This is used to create size for the styles…(Read more)

Sub Agent Master

This is used to create sub agent…(Read more)

Scale/Size Group Master

This is used to map scale and size master as per the respective season…(Read more)

Style Sample Master

This is used to create new style sample which will appear in style sample tab in style page…(Read more)

State Master

This is used to create multiple state…(Read more)

Style Costing Menu Mapping

This is used to map the style costing.

Style Costing CMT

This is used to review costing of a style from Cut, Make, Trim…(Read more)

Style Cost Consumption

This is used to calculate cost each style is utilizing in order to make it complete…(Read more)

Style Cost Trims

This is used to review cost of trims associated with a style…(Read more)

Style Cost Fabricate

This is used to create style cost fabric name…(Read more)

Time and Action

This is used to create new Time and Action…(Read more)

Transport Master

This is used to create the transport…(Read more)

UOM Master

This is used to create new UOM master like (kg, meter, liter)…(Read more)

Rib Fabric Type

This is used to create new rib fabric type…(Read more)


This is used to create vendor as well as customer…(Read more)

Wash Master

This is used to create new type of washing…(Read more)

Yarn Process Flow

This is used to create yarn process flow which will include the activities in it to make a stock.

Image Upload

This is used to upload images.

Fabric Process Flow

This is used to create whatever sequence is required in order to make the yarn to a complete fabric.

SAM Master

This is used to create SAM by adding SAM, SMV Name, M/C Type, and attachment

Inventory Management

Inventory Style

This is used to see the inventory of all the styles…(Read more)

Location Wise Style Inventory

This is used to see the inventory of all the styles at different locations…(Read more)

RM/Fabric Inventory

This is used to see the inventory of all the styles…(Read more)

Location Wise RM/Fabric Inventory

This is used to see the inventory of all the styles at different locations…(Read more)

Box Packing Inventory

This is used for checking the inventory of packing boxes.

Master Box Inventory

This is used to check inventory of master box which contains box inventory.

Location wise Add/Edit Fabric Inventory

This is used for manual updating inventory of fabric…(Read more)

Upload RM/Fabric Inventory

This is used to upload the RM/Fabric inventory in a excel file…(Read more)

Upload Style Inventory Location Wise

This is used to upload the style inventory location wise…(Read more)

Inventory Style Upload

This is used to upload the inventory of style…(Read more)

Style Wise Fabric/RM Inventory

This is used to check the RM/Fabric which was mapped for the particular style…(Read more)

Buyer PO Fabric/RM Inventory

This is used to check the RM/Fabric which was mapped for the particular buyer PO…(Read more)

Lot Wise Inventory

This is used to check inventory according to different lots…(Read more)

Aging Report

This is used to check stock aging report.

Query Style Fabric Inventory

Whatever the styles have been queried, it will be shown here

Location wise Aisle/Bin Inventory

This is used to check inventory of Aisle/Bin inventory at different locations.

Batch Inventory

Based on the batch creation and the fabric generated via that module, it will be fetched and the fabric will be shown here in this inventory.


Email Notification

This is used to configure email notification of processes for which we want to be notified.

Vendor Portal

Vendor Production Entry

This is used assists vendors for whom a DC is created in entering the status of activities, such as quantity processed.

Production Status

This is used by admin to access production status to know production status of all DC’s.

Store Management

Stock Request

This is used for the stock request to start the production…(Read more)

Stock Approve

This is used for approving the stock request…(Read more)

Stock Receive

This is used for receiving production from the store…(Read more)

Stock Return Request

This is used for taking the stock back to the store from production…(Read more)

Stock Return Approve

This is used for approving the stock return request…(Read more)


Packing List & Invoice

This is used for creating packing list and invoice by using Buyer PO…(Read more)

Packing List & Invoice (New)

This is used to create packing list based on location.

Packing List & Invoice (Job Work)

This is used to create packing list as well as the invoice for job work.

Packing List Shipping

This is used for shipping the order…(Read more)


This is used to create e-invoice for the goods but the company turnover should be above 5 crore.


This is used for taking any return from the customer.

Pick List

This is used to create e-invoice for the goods but the company turnover should be above 5 crore.

Packing List (Fabric)

This is used for taking any return from the customer.

Packing List Shipping (Fabric)

This is used for packing and shipping of fabric.

Packing List & Invoice (Fabric)

This is used for creating packing list as well as invoice for the specific fabric.

Menu Wise Links

This is used for editing the menu links from this option.

Login Management

User Management

This link is used for creating a new user or edit the existing user…(Read more)

Role Management

This option is used for giving rights to users…(Read more)

Role Master

This is used for making new role…(Read more)

Field Configuration

Field Wise Links

This is used to hide columns/fields for Style/Yarn PO/Fabric Master page based on the field and selection in sub module links.


Quality Report

This is used to create Quality Report, by selecting the date, style, operator, total checked pieces, total defect & types of defect…(Read more)

Quality Report (Excel)

This is used for downloading the quality report in excel format by selecting month, year and styles…(Read more)

End Table Checking Report

This is used to create end table checking report by entering the product code, style name, the type of defects caused in the quality issues at a certain time period…(Read more)

Shrinkage Report

When we do GRN for fabric the data will appear here, and when we send it for washing or any other process the shrinkage data will be entered…(Read more)

Printing Quality Report

Based on flag this will get enabled.

End Line Quality Report

Based on hours of production, how many pieces are produced in that particular line from operation.

Quality Inspect Report

This is to choose style, operator, check how many are defect and what are defects.


Sales Order Report

This is used to fetch the sales order report.

Production Process Report

This is used to fetch Production process report.

Inventory Consumption Report

This is used to fetch inventory consumption report based on the deduction/addition of fabrics when we select and download, it will show the history of the RM/fabric changes made from inventory.

Production Report

This is used to fetch production data and will be shown here in excel format.

Finishing Production Report

This is used to fetch finishing production report based on the finishing out quantities entered in the system and will be shown in excel format. 

Style Inv Report

This is used to fetch style inventory report based on the ready goods/FG after finishing out.

Measurement Position Report

This is used to fetch measurement position report based on the measurement positions selected in the quality reports, it will fetch data from there and will show over here.

Returns Report

This is used to fetch returns reports based on the returns of final goods, it will cumulate those and will be shown here in excel format.

Packing list Summary

This is used to fetch packaging list summary based on the packing list generated it will show the data over here of the overall list.

Location wise Style Inventory Report

This will show locations wise ready goods and finished goods.

Out-process DC

All goods sent outside by using DC Link will be consolidated and shown over here.

Style Aging Report

If the style is left over in inventory idle for more than a set number of days, it will show here how much time it is lying in the inventory itself.

Purchase Order Report

All consolidated PO’s once approved will be shown here.

Lot wise Report

All lotwise inward and outward data will be shown here.

Stock Report

All RM/Fabric details will be shown here.

Style Report

All style details will be shown here.

Vendor/Customer Report

The Vendor/Customer details once created in masters would be repopulated and shown here.

Import Status

The uploaded excel files via general upload in style management will be shown here.

RM Report

The Raw Material report status will be fetched and shown over here.

Inventory Valuation Report

Based on the costs of RM/Fabric/Style and inventory we choose while downloading, this will show total cost of the inventory.

Style Costing Report

Based on the costs filled in style costing link in style management module, it would repopulate and show the details over here.

Washing Process Report

All washing process details entered in washing module will be shown here.

Out process Report

This is used to fetch and show all production data based on the out process given from out process link in excel format.

Barcode Bill generation- Sales/Return Report

This is used to track the history of sales and returns of the product based on the return/sales of the product.

Sales Report

This is used to fetch and show sales report based on overall sales made via bill generation by selecting date.

Wages Report

This is used to track history of wages given to an employee during a particular time based on the dates & employee name.

Fabric Availability Report

This is used to fetch and show the quantity available in a particular location based on location/style/fabric name.

Quality Final Inspection Report

This is used to create color, conformity, measurement, testing packing details and have assessment of the quality of the product/style.

Production Delay Report

This shows the data of any delay in production throughout the entire process.

Fabric Trims Requirement Report

This is used to see the trims to procure based on the styles to be delivered within the prescribed dates.


This is to download reports like Production Process Reports/Jobwork/Wages/PO Cost Sheet/Outprocess/Stylewise Inventory Consumption Report/Monthly Production Report by selecting the style and type of report.

Vendor Payments

This is used to check payments made to vendor based on the selected Vendor/Project/Styles.

GRN Receive Report

This is used to check all GRN once received based on supplier details ,quantity and rate details.

Daily Production Report

This is used to check all live productions on daily basis both inhouse and out process based on either dates/style/location.

DC Report

This is used to check all the materials/fabric sent out via DC out link.

Vendor Payment List

This is used to check all payments made to vendor.

GRN Wise Report

This is used to check all GRN done after PO approval.

Style/Buyer PO Wise Fabric Stock Report

This is used to check all unused fabric stock which are assigned with the styles(extra fabric of the style).

Style BOM Report

This is used to check all BOM’s attached to the style.

OCR Report

This is used to check the overall costs incurred and margin with the order once the order gets completed.

Fabric/RM Out process Report

This is used to check the history details of transactions with a particular invoice/vendor based on the invoice/vendor selection.

Invoice Dump

This is used to check the fabric/RM given outside for special process/finish/texture using RM/Fabric Out process link.

Costing Report

This is used to configure the start and end dates, and based on the location assigned fixed/variable and cost/piece for costing purpose will be shown.

Production Workflow Report

This is used to check production workflow report based on the lot of a fabric, yarn details, lycra purchase details, GRN dates, and store to production floor.

Time and Action Report

This is used to track activities incurred in a style based on the dates selected in the particular field and shown in excel format.

Tracker Report

This is used to track the entire history of a fabric starting from sourcing, production till dispatching of the fabric for both knitted and woven fabrics based on the dates and style selected.

Balance Qty Report

This is used to check balance quantity report. Based on the dates selected, styles which were created on those range, style data of order it shows completed, and balance quantity.

Production Report - Woven

The woven production report can be downloaded in excel by selecting the dates and particular style(if needed) in excel format.


Once the style is created, here it will be listed and SAM details will be shown and edited here.

Hourly Production Report

The hourly production for the factory can be checked and saved here by selecting the Floor, Line No, Floor Team, Style, SAM, Rate, Tailors, Helpers.

Daily Production Costing Report

This is used to track daily production, overhead and all incurred cost while doing the production is shown here.

HR Module

Employee Details

This is used to create and manage new employees.

Employee Attendance Details

The Employee attendance details can manually be entered here like time in and time out.

Salary Details

This is used to enter the salary details of employees.

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